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Be a "fire" companion at any time.

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2023-07-24 10:46

Be a "fire" companion at any time.

Zippo's fuel is a stable oil extract, so it can still stabilize the fire in many extreme situations. From the smoke-filled battlefield to the extreme cold of minus 40 degrees, from the pouring rain to the raging wind. Zippo can let you gracefully light a cigarette. Then the smoke may be put out by the rain ...... but indeed zippo can provide you with a safe and reliable source of fire.

Because of this feature, the commander-in-chief of the Allied forces during World War II, and later U.S. President Eisenhower, loved zippo.

0.27-inch thick chrome-plated copper cover, 0.18-inch thick stainless steel lining, fire core made of glass fiber, flint wheel that can be used 73000 times. All of them show the high quality and good quality of zippo.